Investigating Serial Verb Constructions In Yemeni Tihami Dialect


  • Dr. Yaser Mohammed Al-Sharafi Assistant Professor in Hodeidah University- Zabid College- English Department



Serial verb construction; Arabic dialects, Yemeni Tihami dialect


This article examines SVCs in various global languages, as well as Classical Arabic (CA)) and certain contemporary Arabic dialects, specifically focusing on Yemeni Tihami Dialect (YTD). This study starts with a review of the literature on SVCs. Next, it discusses the significance of the study, methodology ,and data analysis, the syntax of SVCs ,and the verbs used frequently in SVCs. After that, the main properties of SVCs are highlighted. Then, it draws attention to the assertion that SVCs occur in CA, which is proved untrue. Then, SVCs in various Arabic dialects follow. Lastly, to determine whether or not SVCs exist in YTD, the coordination and SVCs in YTD are discussed ,and then, the four SVC criteria listed by Cleary-Kemp (2015) are tested. The results indicate that SVCs are present in YTD after applying the four criteria to the structures of YTD.



How to Cite

Al-Sharafi, D. Y. M. (2024). Investigating Serial Verb Constructions In Yemeni Tihami Dialect. Tehama Magazine, 10(20), 1–16.