الدور القانوني للمجلس الطبي الأعلى في الجمهورية اليمنية في الحد من الأخطاء الطبية " دراسة مقارنة "


  • Sadiq Al-Sadaei


Medical Supreme Counsel in Yemen practice its technical control to verify that the applicants have the requited scientific qualifications qualifying them to be granted a license for practicing medical functions, promoting medical ethics and continuous training and learning of medical staff.

In addition, Medical Supreme Counsel tries to limit the medial fault through surveillance role, that is embodied in continuous inspection to the medical establishments, closing these establishments that did not fulfill the required conditions and explaining the facts through investigations carried out by a committee in the Counsel for this purpose upon a complaint submitted by the patient or one of his relatives or that complaint is referred from the minister public, if this act is not a crime.

If the committee found that the act ascribed to the member is true, the committee may impose on him a sanction out of sanction enlisted in the law of the medical counsel, this sanction must be appropriate to the fault and the conditions within which this fault is committed. The sanction decision is an administrative decision could be attacked if it is illegal or incompetence. This stud recommended that civil reasonability of medical fault must be assured either through a special fund established for this purpose, or through assurance policy. 




How to Cite

Al-Sadaei, S. . (2023). الدور القانوني للمجلس الطبي الأعلى في الجمهورية اليمنية في الحد من الأخطاء الطبية " دراسة مقارنة ". Tehama Magazine, 9(17), 9–46. Retrieved from https://ojs.tehama-journal.com/index.php/tehama-journal/article/view/tehama.v9i17.233